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Last updated 4/09/2024

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Portfolio - Quick Start Guide

This tutorial will walk you through step by step on how to develop a Portfolio application to manage a collection of financial investments for a single user. It is designed to give you a logical workflow on how to get started to create your first application in Five.

When you have finished the Quick Start Guide, you have the option to extend your Five knowledge by progressing to the Advanced section located in our Learning Resources.

Below is a short video to show you how stage one of the Portfolio application developed in Five works.

The Portfolio Application is built sequentially. It is highly recommended to complete all sections before moving on as each subsequent module relies on the data established in previous exercises.

If you would like to have the Portfolio application to use as a reference, please download PortfolioTrain.fdf

Click here to learn how to import this file into Five.

After you have imported the PortfolioTrain.fdf, click the Deploy to Development button in Five's toolbar to deploy the Portfolio application into the Development environment.