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Introductory Series

Last updated 13/06/2024

This page is designed to walk you through a number of short videos on how to get started in Five and to take you through a logical approach for creating your first application in Five. Each video has been designed to watch consecutively as it provides a logical work flow and demonstrates what Five creates for you automatically.

A basic Shopping application will be created to demonstrate a work flow to getting an application built in Five.

Introduction and Initial Cloud Login

Video one demonstrates how to initially log in to your cloud account.

Create an Application and Navigate Five

Video two demonstrates how to create a single user application and the components that Five will create for you automatically. It also demonstrates how to navigate in Five.

Create a Multiuser Application

Video three demonstrates how to turn your single user application into a multiuser application and the components that Five automatically creates for you.

Deploy to the Development Environment

Video four demonstrates how to deploy your application to the development environment and log into your application for the first time.

Create Tables

Video five demonstrates how to create and maintain tables for your application.

Import Data

Video six demonstrates how to import data into your tables via a file that contains csv data. Before you begin, please ensure that you have downloaded the ShoppingList.txt and Item.txt files containing CSV data from the Downloads chapter.

Create Your Own Display Types

Video seven demonstrates how to create your own custom display types for your application.

Create Forms

Video eight demonstrates how to create your forms for your application.

Edit and Maintain Forms

Video nine demonstrates how to edit and maintain your forms for your application.

Create Themes

Video ten demonstrates how to create themes for your application.

Tailoring an Instance

Video eleven demonstrates how to tailor an instance record.

Create Queries

Video twelve demonstrates how to create queries to filter your data.

Create Data Views

Video thirteen demonstrates how to create data views to display the results from a data source.

Create Menus and Attach Actions

Video fourteen demonstrates how to create menus and attach actions.

Create Charts

Video fifteen demonstrates how to create charts.

Create Dashboards

Video sixteen demonstrates how to create dashboards.

Create Reports

Video seventeen demonstrates how to create reports.

Create a Role and Assign to a User

Video eighteen demonstrates how to create a role and assign this role to a user for your application.

Create a Function and Attach to an Event

Video nineteen demonstrates how to create a function and attach the function an event.

Add SMTP Settings

Video twenty demonstrates how to add your SMTP settings so you can create mail merges for your application.