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Working with Lists

Last updated 19/08/2024

Five has three types of lists, this documentation will give you an understanding of each of these lists and how they are used. Which fields are included in the lists is decided by you.

Record List

A record list is the main list of records and is available when you select a menu item referencing a form action. The fields set to

in the Include In List If field will be displayed in the list. When a new record is added, it will be listed in the record list and can be selected to edit depending on permissions granted. At the bottom of the list you will see the total rows saved in the list.

It is located next to your menu when using the Boston interface.

Record list in Boston user interface
Figure 1 - Record list in Boston user interface

It is located to the left of your screen when using the New York interface.

Record list in New York user interface
Figure 2 - Record list in New York user interface

List Page

A list page enables you to add a page to a form and give it a List page type. It needs to reference another form and the fields set to

in the Include In List If field on the referenced form will be displayed in the list.

For a top page navigation, the list is displayed when the tab on the form is clicked.

List page with a top page navigation
Figure 3 - List page with a top navigation

On a form that has a continuous page navigation, the list will just be displayed on the front page of the form.

List page with a continuous navigation
Figure 4 - List page with a continuous navigation

Lookup List

A lookup list is located in a field on your form and is used with Five's display type _Lookup. The first field included in the list with a logical display type in the referenced form will be displayed in the list. You need to have the foreign relationship established at the table-level for this to work. To have more than one field's value in the lookup, you would need to use Five's display type _LookupQuery.

Lookup list
Figure 5 - Lookup list