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Work With Data Views

Last updated 12/03/2025

This how to guide will demonstrate how to work with data views. Data views simply display the results from your selected data source, however, you can add action buttons, clickable data fields, and screen fields to display, filter, and navigate through records.

The following video shows the features you will learn in this tutorial and how they are applied in an application.


If you want the Filter Customer application as a reference, click to download the FDF file FilterCustomer.fdf and you can import this FDF into your Five account.

If you are building the application, you can't have both application ID's called FilterCustomer.

In this tutorial you will learn how to:

  • Add a parameterized query for a data view
  • Add a function that will display and open a form record
  • Create a data view with screen fields and clickable data fields
  • Add an action button to return back to your data view

A small application with just one table will be used to demonstrate this.

Filter Customer database model
Figure 1 - Filter Customer database model

The application has one form that is attached to a menu item. The form has all the fields from the table except the primary key field.

Form fields
Figure 2 - Form fields

Before beginning this tutorial you will need to:

  • Create your application
  • Create the Customer table with the fields in image 1
  • Create the Customers form with the fields in image 2

If you make your form in the form wizard, your menu item will automatically be created!

Add the CustomerSearchQuery

The CustomerSearchQuery will be added and used as our data source for the data view. We are selecting the CustomerKey, FirstName, and LastName fields from our Customer table and adding a

clause which can be used to filter the records using the screen fields First Name and Last Name which will be added to the data view. Because our search values are being used as a wild card search, we need to use
to surround the parameters with wild card notation, so the database can use the
search keyword to filter the records. The CustomerKey field is to have uniqueness for each record.

The parameters need to be defined in your query using the

property on the

object, example

1. Select Data in the menu.

2. Select Queries in the sub-menu.

Queries menu item
Figure 3 - Queries menu item

3. Click the Add Item button.

4. Type CustomerSearchQuery in the Data Source ID field.

5. Click in the Query field to open the Query Editor.

Add CustomerSearchQuery
Figure 4 - Add CustomerSearchQuery

6. Click the SQL tab in the editor app bar.

SQL tab
Figure 5 - SQL tab

7. Copy and paste the syntax below.

Selects FirstName and LastName fields
FirstName LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')
LastName LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')

8. Click the Save button in the editor app bar.

Save button
Figure 6 - Save button

9. Click the Parameters tab.

Parameters tab
Figure 7 - Parameters tab

10. Click the Add Parameters button.

Add Parameters button
Figure 8 - Add Parameters button

11. Type FirstName in the Parameter ID field.

12. Type
in the Parameter field.

Add FirstName parameter
Figure 9 - Add FirstName parameter

13. Click the Save button.

Save button
Figure 10 - Save button

14. Click the Add Parameters button.

Add Parameters button
Figure 11 - Add Parameters button

15. Type LastName in the Parameter ID field.

16. Type
in the Parameter field.

Add Last`Name parameter
Figure 12 - Add LastName parameter

17. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 13 - Save button

18. Click the Save button in the form app bar above the list.

Save button
Figure 14 - Save button

Add the ShowCustomerRecord Function


function will be attached to the On Click event for the First Name screen field on the data view. The First Name screen field will have a display type of _Text, this will turn the First Name screen field into a clickable field on the data view. When clicked the
function will execute and display the record for the field that was clicked. Five's
function is used to select and display the form record.

1. Select Logic in the menu.

2. Select Functions in the sub-menu.

Functions menu item
Figure 15 - Functions menu item

3. Click the Add Item button.

4. Type ShowCustomerRecord in the Function ID field.

5. Click in the Code field to open the Code Editor.

Add ShowCustomerRecord function
Figure 16 - Add ShowCustomerRecord function

6. Copy and paste the code block below into the editor.

The code block needs to be pasted over the template that Five creates in the editor.

Selects the customer's form record
function ShowCustomerRecord(five, context, result)  {
five.selectRecord('Customers', five.field.CustomerKey)
return five.success(result);

7. Click the Save button in the Code Editor app bar.

Save button
Figure 17 - Save button

8. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 18 - Save button

Add the Customer Search Data View

The Customer Search data view will enable you to filter the records with the First Name and the Last Name screen fields, once you have your targeted record you will be able to click the First Name data field in your data view and this will select and display the record for the selected customer record. The CustomerSearchQuery and the ShowCustomerRecord function will be used on the Customer Search data view.

The data fields will be displayed in your results and the screen fields will filter your results.

1. Select Visual in the menu.

2. Select Data Views in the sub-menu.

Data Views menu item
Figure 19 - Data Views menu item

3. Click the Add Item button.

4. Type Customer Search in the Title field.

5. Click the lookup icon in the Data Source field and select CustomerSearchQuery (Query).

Add Customer Search data view
Figure 20 - Add Customer Search data view

6. Click the Data Fields tab.

All your data fields in your query are automatically listed on the Data Fields page.

Data Fields tab
Figure 21 - Data Fields tab

7. Select the CustomerKey record.

CustomerKey record
Figure 22 - CustomerKey record

8. Either click the Edit button in the form app bar or click directly in the Show If field.

Edit button
Figure 23 - Edit button

9. Click the Cancel button in the Show If field and type false.

By typing
in the Show If field, the CustomerKey field won't display on our data view. This is exactly what we want as the CustomerKey field holds a GUID which we don't want to display, this is purely used to have uniqueness for each record.

10. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 24 - Save button

11. Select the FirstName record.

FirstName record
Figure 25 - FirstName record

12. Either click the Edit button in the form app bar or click directly in the Caption field.

Edit button
Figure 26 - Edit button

13. Add a space between First and Name.

The caption will be displayed on your data view, hence, changing the caption to be more user friendly to read!

14. Click the Events tab.

Events tab
Figure 27 - Events tab

15. Click the lookup icon in the On Click field and select ShowCustomerRecord.

On Click event
Figure 28 - On Click event

16. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 29 - Save button

17. Select the LastName record.

LastName record
Figure 30 - LastName record

18. Either click the Edit button in the form app bar or click directly in the Caption field.

Edit button
Figure 31 - Edit button

19. Add a space between Last and Name.

20. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 32 - Save button

21. Click the Screen Fields tab.

Screen Fields tab
Figure 33 - Screen Fields tab

22. Click the Add Screen Fields button.

Add Screen Fields button
Figure 34 - Add Screen Fields button

23. Type First Name in the Caption field.

24. Click the lookup icon in the Display Type field and select _Text.

Add First Name field
Figure 35 - Add First Name field

25. Click the lookup icon in the Linked Parameter field and select

All the parameters from your query will be listed in the Linked Parameter field, when you select a parameter it will link the current screen field to the selected parameter in your query.

Linked Parameter field
Figure 36 - Linked Parameter field

26. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 37 - Save button

27. Click the Add Screen Fields button.

Add Screen Fields button
Figure 38 - Add Screen Fields button

28. Type Last Name in the Caption field.

29. Click the lookup icon in the Display Type field and select _Text.

Add Last Name field
Figure 39 - Add Last Name field

30. Click the lookup icon in the Linked Parameter field and select

Linked Parameter field
Figure 40 - Linked Parameter field

31. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 41 - Save button

32. Click the Save button in the form app bar above the list.

Save button
Figure 42 - Save button

Add the BackToSearchCustomer Function

In the application, once you click the First Name data field on the data view, it will navigate you to the selected customer form record. To make it that you can return to the data view without selecting a menu item, you can add an action button to your form. The button needs a function attached, and the function can use Five's

function to navigate you back to your data view with a full list of records again.

1. Select Logic in the menu.

2. Select Functions in the sub-menu.

Functions menu item
Figure 43 - Functions menu item

3. Click the Add Item button.

4. Type BackToSearchCustomer in the Function ID field.

5. Click in the Code field to open the Code Editor.

Add BackToSearchCustomer function
Figure 44 - Add BackToSearchCustomer function

6. Copy and paste the code block below into the editor.

The code block needs to be pasted over the template that Five creates in the editor.

Selects the previous action
function BackToSearchCustomer(five, context, result) {
return five.success(result);

7. Click the Save button in the Code Editor app bar.

Save button
Figure 45 - Save button

8. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 46 - Save button

Add an Action Button

Tha action button will be attached to the Customers form and when clicked will return you back to the data view as this was the previously selected action.

1. Select Visual in the menu.

2. Select Forms in the sub-menu.

Forms menu item
Figure 47 - Forms menu item

3. Select the Customers record in the list.

4. Click the Action Buttons tab.

Action Buttons tab
Figure 48 - Action Buttons tab

5. Click the Add Action Buttons button.

Add Action Buttons button
Figure 49 - Add Action Buttons button

6. Type Back To Search Customer in the Caption field.

7. Click the Events tab.

Add Back To Search Customer action button
Figure 50 - Add Back To Search Customer action button

8. Click the lookup icon in the On Press field and select BackToSearchCustomer.

 On Press field
Figure 51 - On Press field

9. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 52 - Save button

10. Click the Save button in the form app bar above the list.

Save button
Figure 53 - Save button