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Export and Import FDF Files

Last updated 13/05/2024

When you export an application, the entire schema and data for the application will be exported in a Five Definition File (FDF). This file can then be imported back into Five.

Who can Export and Import Applications?

  • When working in the cloud, only an admin or control user.
  • When working in local, the standalone user.

Export an Application into an FDF

1. Select the application record in the list.

2. Click the Export button.

Export button
Figure 1 - Export button

Your application will be downloaded into a Five Definition File (FDF) holding the schema and all the data for the application.

Import an FDF

1. Click the Import button.

Import button
Figure 2 - Import button

2. Navigate your files and open the required FDF file.

Open FDF
Figure 3 - Open FDF

3. Click the OK button.

OK button
Figure 4 - OK button

Your application record will be available in the list.