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Screen Fields

Last updated 11/03/2025

Screen fields can be added to a data view and these fields can then be used to filter the returned results if you are using a query as your data source. The parameters need to be defined in your query using the

property on the

object, example

Five will list any parameters you have in your selected data source and list them in the Linked Parameter field for you to select. Once a parameter has been selected Five will handle linking your screen field to your query field.

For more information on how you can use screen fields, please refer to our How to Guide: Work with Data Views.

Add a Screen Field

1. Click the Screen Fields tab.

Screen Fields tab
Figure 1 - Screen Fields tab

2. Click the Add Screen Fields button.

Add Screen Fields button
Figure 2 - Add Screen Fields button

3. Type a Caption in the Caption field

4. Click the lookup icon in the Display Type field and select a type.

5. Click the lookup icon in the Linked Parameter field and select the parameter from your query.

Add screen field
Figure 3 - Add screen field

6. Click both Save buttons in the stacked form app bars.

Save buttons
Figure 4 - Save buttons