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Add an Action Page

Last updated 11/04/2024

An Action page type enables you to reference another action in Five. The referenced action will be displayed on your form when the tab holding the page is clicked. This gives you another method to display your data on a form.

To add an action page to a form, the action you need to reference must be saved in Five.

What are Five's Actions?

  • Charts
  • Custom Actions
  • Dashboards
  • Data Views
  • Forms
  • Mail Merges
  • Processes
  • Reports
You cannot reference the actions Custom Actions and Forms when creating an action page.

Add an Action Page Type

The steps below demonstrate adding an action page as the second page on a form that already has a form page.

1. Select the form record you want to add an action page and click the Pages tab.

Pages tab
Figure 1 - Pages tab

2. Click the Add Pages button.

Add Pages button
Figure 2 - Add Pages button

3. Give your page a caption in the Caption field.

4. Select Action in the Page Type field.

The Action field will now be available for you to select an action to reference.

5. Select the required action in the Action field.

Add an action page
Figure 3 - Add an action page

6. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 4 - Save button

7. Click the Save button in the form app bar above the list.

Save button
Figure 5 - Save button

How This Will Work in an Application

Firstly, you will need to select the menu item holding your form and select a record. Now click the tab holding your action for the action to be displayed.

Action page
Figure 6 - Action page