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Last updated 3/09/2024

Five's Report Wizard

To create a report, at least one data source needs to be saved in Five.

Five's Report Wizard is a fast and simple way to add your reports, as once you have selected a data source all the fields in the data source will be available to select and a preview can be generated.

Locate the Report Wizard

1. Select Visual in the menu.

2. Select Report Wizard in the sub-menu.

Report Wizard menu item
Figure 1 - Report Wizard menu item

Understanding the Report Wizard

There are three pages to the Report Wizard. The first page is divided into three sections, General, Menu, and Data Sources.

Page one of the Report Wizard
Figure 2 - Page one of the Report Wizard


In the General section you need to select a data source. If you have not named your report, the Name field will be populated from the first selected data source.

The following table describes the fields in the General section.

NameGive your data source a name. Note: If you do not add a report name, Five will populate this field from your first selected data source.
Action IDFive populates this field from the Name field and this will become the unique identifier for the form.

The Menu section enables you to create a menu item for your report without going to the Menus view. Five will create a menu item that references your report making your report generate in your application when the menu item is selected.

The following table describes the fields in the Menu section.

Add Menu ItemThe switch defaults to true to make a menu item for your report. If you do not want a menu item created for your report, you can click the switch to turn it off.
CaptionFive populates this field from the Name field and this will become the caption and the unique identifier for the menu item.
Parent MenuYou can select a menu to be the parent for the current menu item being created. The parent menu must reference a form action.

Data Sources

The Data Sources section enables you to select a data source or multiple data sources for your report. To be able to select a data source to reference you must have the data source saved in Five first.

The following table describes the field in the Data Sources section.

Data SourceSelect a data source for your report.

The Next button will navigate you to the second page of the Report Wizard. You can return to the first page by clicking the Previous button located in front of the Next button.

Next button
Figure 3 - Next button


The second page of the Report Wizard is where all your fields from your data source/s can be added. By default, a header, table, and footer will be available. Five has some inbuilt helper functions that can assist you with designing your report.

The header and footer will only be available on the first page of your report when adding them through the Report Wizard. To have them available on multiple pages, you will need to edit the report template in the Reports view.

The following table describes the fields on the Fields page.

TypeSelect the type of helper you want for the field.
FieldSelect the field/s you want the helper to be applied.

Page two of the Report Wizard
Figure 4 - Page two of the Report Wizard

Reorder Fields

To reorder fields use the drag handles located at the beginning of each row. Drag and drop the row into position.

Drag handle
Figure 5 - Drag handle

Report Preview

The Next button will navigate you to the third page of the Report Wizard. The third page will generate a preview of your report, this will automatically generate as soon as you click the Next button.

Please wait a few moments for your report to generate.

Report preview
Figure 6 - Report preview

If your report contains a lot of data, your report may not generate in the preview as it has a time limit of three minutes to generate.

You can move between the pages to change any definitions if your preview needs changes!

Locate a Report Record

When you save a report record via the Report Wizard, you will find the record in the Reports view. This is where you can maintain the record.

1. Select Visual in the menu.

2. Select Reports in the sub-menu.

Reports menu item
Figure 7 - Reports menu item

3. Select the record in the list.

4. Click the Edit button to make changes to your report record.

Edit button
Figure 8 - Edit button