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Before you Begin

Last updated 30/04/2024

The New to Five's Reports chapter will give you the basic knowledge to get your first report created. A staff table will be used to learn how to connect with a table in your database to use the data for your report. After this you will learn how to:

  • Add a header
  • Insert your company's logo
  • Add a table with captions and records
  • Separate records
  • Add a footer
  • Add page numbers
  • Download your report
  • Print your report

Establishing Your Data Source

For this example, a Staff table is being used as the data source. It has the following fields:

  • StaffKey (PK)
  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • DOB
  • Extension

To populate the data into the table a staff form is being used.

Parts of a Report

There are certain parts to a report to help you make your design a lot better. Understanding each part will help you to create the reports you need. The following is a summary of the main parts and how to use them.

PartWhere it is displayedCan be used for
HeaderAt the top of each page or just the first page.Use the header to repeat the title on every page of your report. You can choose to only display it on the first page.
FieldsAppears once for every row containing the data from your data source.Displays the main content of your report.
FooterAt the bottom of each page or just the first page.Use the footer to display the page number, or total pages, or summary information.