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Add a Report

Last updated 3/09/2024

Learn how to add a report in Five with Five's Report Wizard. It is highly recommended that you read the introduction chapter on Five's Report Wizard before creating your first report. This will explain how to access the Report Wizard and the record once it has been saved.

Add a Report with Five's Report Wizard

1. Type a name in the Name field.

Five will automatically do the following once you add a name for your report:

  • Populate the Action ID field
  • Create a menu item for your report
  • Populate the Caption field for the menu item

Add a report
Figure 1 - Add a report

2. Click the Add Data Sources button.

Add Data Sources button
Figure 2 - Add Data Sources button

3. Click the lookup icon in the Data Sources field and select a data source.

You can add more than one data source!

Select a data source
Figure 3 - Select a data source

4. Click the Next button.

Next button
Figure 4 - Next button

5. Optional: Add your header in the Header row.

6. Click the lookup icon in the Fields field and select your fields.

The Table helper will add your captions and separate your returned records.

7. Optional: Add your footer in the Footer row.

When you are creating a header and a footer for your report, it will only be available on the first page. If you want your header and footer displayed on each page of your report, you will need to edit the saved record in the Reports view.

Add your fields
Figure 5 - Add your fields

8. Optional: Click the Next button to see a preview of your report.

Next button
Figure 6 - Next button

If your report contains a lot of data, your report may not generate in the preview as it has a time limit of three minutes to generate.

Report preview
Figure 7 - Report preview

9. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 8 - Save button

Select the Reports menu item under the Visual menu to have access to the report record!

By default, Five will create a menu item that references your report to enable you to generate the report in your application.

Figure 9 - Report