Add a List Page
Last updated 8/04/2024
When you add a List page type, a list of records will be displayed for the selected referenced form action. A saved record can be edited by selecting the record in the list and a new record can be added by clicking the Add button. Effectively, the list is displayed first and then the form.To add a list page to a form, the form you need to reference must be saved in Five. For the most part, the reference form may not have a menu item created unless it is being used for something else.
All the fields that you flag as include in list on the referenced form will be displayed on the page when a user clicks the tab, or scrolls to when on a continuous form.
Let's take a look at an example. In the image below you can see three fields are flagged to be in the list when adding the Address form via the Form Wizard.

The Restaurant form has a list page that references the Address form.

In the application, the Restaurant form has the Addresses list page.

Add a List Page Type
1. Select the form record you want to add a list page to and click the Pages tab.

2. Click the Add Pages button.

3. Give your page a caption in the Caption field.
4. Select List in the Page Type field.
5. Select the required form in the Action field.

6. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

7. Click the Save button in the form app bar above the list.

How This Works in an Application
Firstly, you will need to select the menu item holding your form and select a record. Now click the tab holding your list for the list to be displayed with the included fields.

You can see the details for a record by selecting the record in the list.

You can add a new record to the list by clicking the Add button.