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1 - Select Actions

Last updated 18/07/2024

This section was added as an extension to the Portfolio application. You can either continue on from your Portfolio application, or you can download the PortfolioTrain.fdf to perform the extension.

This documentation is to demonstrate how you can use Five's

function to open another action without leaving the current menu. Because you stay on the current menu, you can then use Five's

function to return to the previous action.


function will be used for when we click on a slice of the Investment by Sector pie chart a data view will be displayed filtered by the sector slice that was clicked. The data view will then have an action button that will return us to the previous action through the use of the

To do this the following steps are performed:

  • Create the StocksInSector query that filters the stock belonging to each sector.
  • Create the Stocks In Sector data view to display the results when a slice of the pie chart is clicked.
  • Create the
    function to execute the
    function on the
    object and set the
    variable to filter the stocks belonging to the sector.
  • Attach the
    function to the On Click event for the Investment by Sector chart area dataset.
  • Create the
    function to execute the
    function on the
    object to return to the chart.
  • Create an action button on the Stocks In Sector data view and attach the
    function to the On Press event to return to us to the previous action when clicked.

The following short video demonstrates how the selectAction() and previousAction() functions work.

Add the StocksInSector Query

The StocksInSector query will filter the stocks belonging to the selected sector.

1. Click Data in the menu.

2. Click Queries in the submenu.

Queries menu item
Figure 1 - Queries menu item

3. Click the Add Item button.

4. Type StocksInSector in the Data Source ID field.

5. Click in the Query field to open Five's Query Builder.

Add the StocksInSector query
Figure 2 - Add the StocksInSector query

6. Click the SQL tab.

SQL tab
Figure 3 - SQL tab

7. Click the Copy button for the syntax below.

INNER JOIN Sector ON Stock.SectorKey = Sector.SectorKey
Sector.Name = ?

8. Paste the syntax in the SQL Editor.

If you look at the
statement you can see the
fields are being selected from the

table is joined to the
table with a
condition to filter the stocks belonging to the sector.

9. Click the Save button in the SQL Editor app bar.

Save button
Figure 4 - Save button

10. Click the Parameters tab.

Parameters tab
Figure 5 - Parameters tab

11. Click the Add Parameters button.

Add Parameters button
Figure 6 - Add Parameters button

12. Type Sector in the Parameter ID field.

13. Type
in the Parameter field.

We will need to set the
variable using the
function on the
object. We will do this when we add the

Add the Sector parameter
Figure 7 - Add the Sector parameter

14. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 8 - Save button

15. Click the Save button in the form app bar above the list.

Save button
Figure 9 - Save button

Add the Stocks in Sector Data View

The StocksInSector query will be used as the data source for the Stocks in Sector data view.

1. Click Visual in the menu.

2. Click Data Views in the sub-menu.

Data Views menu item
Figure 10 - Data Views menu item

3. Click the Add Item button.

4. Type Stocks in Sector in the Title field.

5. Click the lookup icon in the Data Source field and select StocksInSector (Query).

Add the Stocks in Sector data view
Figure 11 - Add the Stocks in Sector data view

6. Click the Data Fields tab.

Data Fields tab
Figure 12 - Data Fields tab

7. Select the Stock.StockCode record.

Stock.StockCode record
Figure 13 - Stock.StockCode record

8. Either click the Edit button in the form app bar, or click directly in the Caption field.

9. Change the value to Stock Code in the Caption field.

10. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 14 - Save button

11. Select the Stock.Name record.

Stock.Name record
Figure 15 - Stock.Name record

12. Change the value to Name in the Caption field.

13. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 16 - Save button

14. Click the Save button in the form app bar above the list.

Save button
Figure 17 - Save button

Add the ClickSector Function

When in Five's Code Editor you will be interacting with Five's API. In the

function you will be using the following functions and parameter.

- is a function on the

object that sets a global variable. It sets the value of the named global variable with a new value on the variable property on the

- is a function on the

object that selects an action to take place of the current action without leaving the current menu.

- is a parameter passed in from the chart area dataset containing values regarding the chart segment that is clicked which is executed through the On Click event.

1. Click Logic in the menu.

2. Click Code Editor in the sub-menu.

Code Editor menu item
Figure 18 - Code Editor menu item

3. Click the Add New Code button.

Add New Code button
Figure 19 - Add New Code button

4. Type ClickSector in the Function ID field.

5. Click the lookup icon in the Language field and select TypeScript.

6. Click the OKAY button.

Add the ClickSector function
Figure 20 - Add the ClickSector function

7. Click the Copy button on the below code block.

8. Paste the code block over the template in the Code Editor.


function ClickSector(five: Five, context: any, result: FiveError) : FiveError {
five.setVariable('Sector', context.xValue);
return five.success(result);

9. Click the Save Current Tab button.

Save Current Tab button
Figure 21 - Save Current Tab button

Attach the ClickSector Function

The Investment Analysis chart record has two chart area datasets. We need to attach the

function to the On Click event for the Investment by Sector chart area dataset. When a slice of the pie chart is clicked, the event will execute and select the data view.

1. Click Visual in the Menu.

2. Click Charts in the sub-menu.

Charts menu item
Figure 22 - Charts menu item

3. Select the Investment Analysis record in the list.

4. Click the Datasets tab.

Datasets tab
Figure 23 - Datasets tab

5. Select the InvestmentBySector (Query) record.

InvestmentBySector (Query) record
Figure 24 - InvestmentBySector (Query) record

6. Click the Chart Area Datasets tab.

Chart Area Datasets tab
Figure 25 - Chart Area Datasets tab

7. Select the Investment by Sector record.

Investment by Sector record
Figure 26 - Investment by Sector record

8. Click the Events tab.

Events tab
Figure 27 - Events tab

9. Either click the Edit button in the form app bar, or click directly in the On Click field.

10. Click the lookup icon in the On Click field and select ClickSector.

On Click event
Figure 28 - On click event

11. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 29 - Save button

12. Click the Save button in the form app bar above the list.

Save button
Figure 30 - Save button

Add the PreviousAction Function

When in Five's Code Editor you will be interacting with Five's API. In the

function you will be using the following function.

- is a function on the
object that takes you back to the previous selected action. Optionally, you can pass in a number to go back several actions.

1. Click Logic in the menu.

2. Click Code Editor in the sub-menu.

Code Editor menu item
Figure 31 - Code Editor menu item

3. Click the Add New Code button.

Add New Code button
Figure 32 - Add New Code button

4. Type PreviousAction in the Function ID.

5. Click the lookup icon in the Language field and select TypeScript.

6. Click the OKAY button.

Add the PreviousAction function
Figure 33 - Add the PreviousAction function

7. Click the Copy button on the below code block.


function PreviousAction(five: Five, context: any, result: FiveError) : FiveError {
return five.success(result);

8. Paste the code block over the template in the Code Editor.

9. Click the Save Current Tab button.

Save Current Tab button
Figure 34 - Save Current Tab button

Add an Action Button

The Stocks in Sector data view needs an action button with the

function attached to the On Press event. When the button is clicked, the event will execute and select the previous action.

1. Click Visual in the menu.

2. Click Data Views in the sub-menu.

Data Views menu item
Figure 35 - Data Views menu item

3. Select the Stocks in Sector record.

4. Click the Action Buttons tab.

Action Buttons tab
Figure 36 - Action Buttons tab

5. Click the Add Action Buttons button.

Add Action Buttons button
Figure 37 - Add Action Buttons button

6. Type Back To Chart in the Caption field.

7. Click the Events tab.

Events tab
Figure 38 - Events tab

8. Click the lookup icon in the On Press field and select PreviousAction.

9. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 39 - Save button

10. Click the Save button in the form app bar above the list.

Save button
Figure 40 - Save button