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5 - Create a Validation

Last updated 15/12/2023

This documentation is to demonstrate how to add validation to a field to ensure the correct data is entered. The On Validate event can be used for this. The event executes on the client-side and performs accuracy checks on the data entered in the field.

Using the On Validate event, we can ensure the Quantity field on the Sells form cannot have a value larger than what we own in the stock.

When in Five's Code Editor you will be interacting with Five's API. In the
function you will be using the following functions and properties:

- is a property used on the
object which gives the fields for the current form.

- is a function used on the
object that provides metadata from a field.

- is a function used on the
object that returns an error with an optional message and notification parameters.

- is a function used on the
object that returns a indicating success.

1. Click Logic in the menu.

2. Click Code Editor in the sub-menu.

Code Editor Menu Item
Figure 1 - Code Editor menu item

Add the CheckStockQuantity Function

The CheckStockQuantity function will use the metadata supplied in the CurrentStockHolding query that is attached to the Sell's Stock field. The function will use the Holding query field to know what we are currently holding in the stock.

1. Click the Add New Code button.

Add New Code Button
Figure 2 - Add New Code button

2. Type CheckStockQuantity in the Function ID field.

3. Click the lookup icon in the Language field and select TypeScript.

4. Click the OKAY button.

Add the CheckStockQuantity Function
Figure 3 - Add the CheckStockQuantity function

5. Click the Copy button on the below code block.

function CheckStockQuantity(five: Five, context: any, result: FiveError) : FiveError {
const qty: number = parseInt(five.field.Quantity);
if (qty > five.getMetadata('Sells', 'StockKey', 'Holding')) {
return five.createError(result, 'Stock quantity exceeds current holding');

return five.success(result, '');

6. Paste the code block over the template in the Code Editor.

7. Click the Save Current Tab button.

Save Current Tab Button
Figure 4 - Save Current Tab button
The CurrentStockHolding function needs to be attached to the Quantity field on the Sells form. If the incorrect data is entered in the field the user will be enforced to change the quantity.

1. Click Visual in the menu.

2. Click Forms in the sub-menu.

Forms Menu Item
Figure 5 - Forms menu item

Attach the CheckStockQuantity Function

Path: Sells form > General page > Quantity field > On Validate event

1. Select the Sells record in the list.

2. Click the Pages tab.

Pages Tab
Figure 6 - Pages tab

3. Select the General record.

General Record
Figure 7 - General record

4. Click the Fields tab.

Fields Tab
Figure 8 - Fields tab

5. Select the Quantity record.

Quantity Record
Figure 9 - Quantity record

8. Click the Events tab.

Events Tab
Figure 10 - Events tab

9. Either click the Edit button in the form app bar, or click directly in the On Validate field.

10. Click the lookup icon in the On Validate field and select CheckStockQuantity.

On Validate Field
Figure 11 - On Validate field

11. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save Button
Figure 12 - Save button

12. Click the Save button in the form app bar above the list.

Save Button
Figure 13 - Save button

Run the Portfolio Application

This is a good time to run the Portfolio application to see how the CheckStockQuantity function works!
1. Click the Run button in Five's toolbar.

Run Button
Figure 14 - Run button

2. Select the Growth Portfolio record in the list.

3. Click the Down button in the form app bar.

Down Button
Figure 15 - Down button

Test the CheckStockQuantity Function

We can see on our Current Stock Holding data view that we own 5500 shares in the SUN (Suncorp) stock.

Current Stock Holding Data View
Figure 16 - Current Stock Holding data view

1. Select Sells in the Menu.

2. Click the Add Item button.

3. Click the lookup icon in the Stock field and select SUN.

4. Click the calendar icon in the Transaction Date field, select the current date and click the OK button.

5. Type 6000 in the Quantity field, press tab.

Add a Sells Record
Figure 17 - Add a Sells record

The On Validate event is executed and causes an error as we do not own 6000 shares in the SUN stock.

6. Click the OK button.

Validation Error
Figure 18 - Validation error

7. Type 1000 in the Quantity field.

8. Type 1.00 in the Price field.

9. Type 10.00 in the Fees field, press tab.

10. Click the Add Allocations button.

Add Allocations Button
Figure 19 - Add Allocations button

11. Click the lookup icon in the Buys field.

The Buy field lookup is showing us all the buy transaction dates. In Five, we can make it that we only see the transation dates for the stock selected on the Sells form.

Buy Field
Figure 20 - Buy field

12. Click the Cancel button in the form app bar.

Cancel Button
Figure 21 - Cancel button

13. Close the browser tab and return to Five.