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Default Users

Last updated 14/04/2023

The Users view allows you to add users to your Five account. By default, you will have a default Administrator user and a default Developer user out of the box. Each of these default users respectively have the Administrator role and the Developer role assigned to them.

Creating a user in Five will require them to have a role assigned. Five has three inbuilt roles for you to select to assign to your Five users.

  • Administrator
  • Developer
  • Control

While you are on the Users view in Five, you are adding users to your Five account, not your end-user applications.

Each role has different permissions granted. You can control who has access to what forms in Five with these roles. Five maintains these operations through the CRUD operations.

CreateAllows users to create new records.
ReadAllows users to search and retrieve specific records and read their values.
UpdateAllows users to modify existing records.
DeleteAllows users to delete existing records.

Administrator User

The table below shows the permissions granted to the Administrator user with the Administrator role assigned.

FormPermissions Granted
ApplicationsFull Access
UsersFull Access
DatabasesRead Access
InstancesFull Access
ConfigurationFull Access
All other formsNo Access

The Administrator role can deploy to the Development, Testing, and Production environments.

Developer User

The table below shows the permissions granted to the Developer user with the Developer role assigned.

FormPermissions Granted
ApplicationsRead Access
UsersNo Access
DatabasesRead Access
InstancesLimited Access
ConfigurationNo Access
All other formsFull Access

The Developer role can deploy to the Development environment.

Control User

There is no default Control user created for you, however, you can add a new user and assign the Control role to operate in Five. The table below shows the permissions granted to a user with the Control role.

FormPermissions Granted
ApplicationsRead Access
UsersNo Access
DatabasesRead Access
InstancesFull Access
ConfigurationNo Access
All other formsFull Access

The Control role can deploy to the Development, Testing, and Production environments.

Public User

The Public user is a user that you can create to control permissions for public forms such as custom URLs. This enables users to have access to the URL provided by you without having to log into your application. A public user will only have access to the tables that you assign to them. The public user is not used inside of Five itself, currently it is a user for your applications.

Standalone User

The Standalone user is a reserved user for Five standalone applications. When Five is installed as a standalone application on Windows or Mac (not running as a service in the Cloud) the user will always be the standalone user.

FormPermissions Granted
ApplicationsFull Access
UsersNo Access
DatabasesRead Access
InstancesLimited Access
ConfigurationFull Access
All other formsFull Access