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14 - Import a Five Definition File

Last updated 13/12/2023

Please note this documentation is optional. It will explain how to import the completed Portfolio application in the event you would like this application to use as a reference while you build the Portfolio application.

If you are starting the training from here, meaning you have not performed the Quick Start Guide, you can download the PortfolioStage1.fdf and build on top of this FDF.

Before you import the completed Portfolio application, click here to download the PortfolioTrain.fdf. Alternatively, you can find the PortfolioTrain.fdf in the My Five Projects folder under the Documents folder.

If you did not perform the Quick Start Guide, click here to download the PortfolioStage1.fdf.

Import the Portfolio Training Application Via the Five Definition File (FDF)

When working in the Cloud, you will need to be logged in with an admin account to have the permission to import an FDF.

You need to be in the Applications view to import an FDF! Click either the Applications breadcrumb or the Up button on the left side in the toolbar to return to the Applications view.

1. Click the Import button.

Import Button
Figure 1 - Import button

2. Navigate your files, select, and open the PortfolioTrain.fdf.

3. Click the OK button on successful import.

OK Button
Figure 2 - OK button