First Time Logging into Your Cloud Account
Last updated 1/12/2023
Once you have signed up with Five, you will receive an email asking your preferred prefix to use in Five's environment. Example, placeholder.five.devWe will then create your development environment and you receive the URL link and user login details.
Log In with the Default Administrator Role
1. Use the URL link provided to you from Five.2. Type admin in the Username field.
3. Type the password provided by Five in the Password field.
4. Click the Sign In button.
![Sign in window](/2.5/img/getting-started/first-time-logging-into-your-cloud-account/admin-login.png)
Figure 1 - Sign in window
Five will enforce you to change your password. Your new password must contain the following:
- A number
- A letter
- A symbol
- 8 to 32 characters in length
5. Type your preferred password in the Password field.
6. Type your password in the Confirm Password field.
7. Click the Update Password button.
![Update password window](/2.5/img/getting-started/first-time-logging-into-your-cloud-account/update-password.png)
Figure 2 - Update password window
On your initial log in, you will need to accept Five's Terms of Service to continue. For future log ins, you will only see the agreement again if there is an update to our terms.
8. Use the scroll to read Five's Terms of Service.
9. Click the Accept Terms and Conditions checkbox.
10. Click the Continue button.
![Accept terms and conditions](/2.5/img/getting-started/first-time-logging-into-your-cloud-account/accept-five-terms-of-service.png)
Figure 3 - Accept terms and conditions
Log In with the Default Developer Role
1. Use the URL link provided to you from Five.2. Type dev in the Username field.
3. Type the password provided in the Password field.
4. Click the Sign In button.
![Sign in window](/2.5/img/getting-started/first-time-logging-into-your-cloud-account/dev-login.png)
Figure 4 - Sign in window
Five will enforce you to change your password. Your new password must contain the following:
- A number
- A letter
- A symbol
- 8 to 32 characters in length
5. Type your preferred password in the Password field.
6. Type your password in the Confirm Password field.
7. Click the Update Password button.
![Update password window](/2.5/img/getting-started/first-time-logging-into-your-cloud-account/update-password-dev.png)
Figure 5 - Update password window
On your initial log in, you will need to accept Five's Terms of Service to continue. For future log ins, you will only see the agreement again if there is an update to our terms.
8. Use the scroll to read Five's Terms of Service.
9. Click the Accept Terms and Conditions checkbox.
10. Click the Continue button.
![Accept terms and conditions](/2.5/img/getting-started/first-time-logging-into-your-cloud-account/accept-five-terms-of-service.png)
Figure 6 - Accept terms and conditions
Log Out
1. Click the Avatar button.2. Click the Logout button.
![Log out](/2.5/img/getting-started/first-time-logging-into-your-cloud-account/log-out.png)
Figure 7 - Log out