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Introduction to Five's Forms

Last updated 27/06/2022

Overview to Five's Forms

Forms provide the users of your application with an interface to provide or remove data either by inserting a new record, updating a record, or deleting a record. These forms may be connected to tables inside your database to store the information.

Five gives you two methods to create forms for your application.

Form - The form gives you more extensibility to customize your forms.

Form Wizard - Five's Form Wizard will guide you through a step-by-step process to input information for your form in a systematic order, and subsequent steps will rely on the information entered in previous steps. Five will compute the appropriate path and route you accordingly. To quickly add forms to your application, you can use the Form Wizard and then edit the record using the form to add extra complexity.

Layout of the Form

The content to build a form is separated across several pages, selecting each tab will navigate you to the associated page.

Form Tabs
Figure 1 - Form tabs

GeneralThe General page is to define the properties for the form and select the table holding the fields that will store the data in the database.
EventsThe Events page is to attach client-side and/or server-side functions to add functionality to your forms.
Action ButtonsThe Action Buttons page is to create customized buttons that can be placed in either the list or form app bars. The buttons will be positioned alongside Five's default buttons. The functionality for these buttons will need to be attached to the Events page on the Action Buttons form.
PagesThe Pages page is to select the type of page that will be available when the tab is selected.
ReferencesThe References page is to view where the Action ID for the form is being referenced.

How Forms Can Look in an End-User Application

Inside Five, forms of almost any layout and with multiple display types can be developed extremely quickly. Five comes with a pre-built template that you can change by creating your own theme, field sizes and field positions, and determining how you want your users to navigate through your forms. Below is an example of how a form selected from the menu can look in an end-user application.

Figure 2 - Example of an end-user application form