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How to Include Fields in a List

Last updated 19/08/2024

You can include a field in a list in the Form Wizard and on the Form Fields form.

Include a Field in the List With the Form Wizard

To include a field in the list, you need to be on the second page of the Form Wizard.

1. Click the List checkbox for any fields you want to be included in the list.


By default, Five will include the first field in the list. You can change this by clicking in the List checkbox, however, you will need at least one field to be included in the list.

List checkbox
Figure 1 - List checkbox

How this Looks in an Application

The captions of the fields that you flag to be in the list will become the column headers and the field values will be listed underneath. For this example, you can see the Name and ABN fields are included in the list. This will work exactly the same for a page that has a List page type, except the list will be displayed on the form.

Fields included in the list
Figure 2 - Fields included in the list

Include a Field in the List With the Form Fields Form

You may change your mind about what fields you want included in the list from your original setup in the Form Wizard, so it is important to know how to edit your form fields to make these changes.

To include a field in the list, you need to be in the Forms view, located under the Visual menu.

1. Select your form record in the list and click the Pages tab.

Pages tab
Figure 3 - Pages tab

2. Select your page record holding your fields.

If you first added your form with the Form Wizard and didn't edit the page name, the record here will have a caption of General!

Page record
Figure 4 - Page record

3. Click the Fields tab.

Fields tab
Figure 5 - Fields tab

4. Select the required field record.

Field record
Figure 6 - Field record

5. Either click the Edit button in the form field app bar, or click directly in a field.

Edit button
Figure 7 - Edit button

6. Type
in the Include In List If field.

Include In List If field
Figure 8 - Include In List If field

7. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 9 - Save button

8. Click the Save button in the form app bar above the list.

Save button
Figure 10 - Save button