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Add Users to Five

Last updated 23/05/2024

To add a user to your Five account, you need to have the role of Administrator or Control and your plan will determine how many users and which roles you can assign to a user.

With a Basic plan, you will have by default an Administrator user and a Public user already defined in the Users view.

With a Team plan, you will have by default a Control user and a Public user already defined in the Users view.

The Users menu sits at the top-level with applications because when a user is added to your Five account they will have access to all your applications in Five with the role you assign to them.

You will not have access to the Users menu if you are signed in with a Developer role or are working as a Standalone user in Five's Desktop version.

Understanding the Users Form

The Users form you are using in Five is to add users to your Five account, not to the application you are creating. Any definitions you set for a user record is for a user logged into your Five account. A multiuser application you create will have its own Users form in the application and you can use that form to add users to your application.

In Five, when you click the Add Item button in the Users view you will have access to a new Users form. The following table gives you an overview on how to use these fields.

User IDAdd an ID for a user. This will be the user's username which they will use to log into your Five account.
Full NameAdd the name of the user logging into your Five account.
EmailAdd the email address for the user logging into your Five account.
Phone NoOptional: Add a phone number for the user logging into your Five account.
EnabledThis will enable the user's login to your Five account. By default, this is set to true so your user can immediately sign in. Sometimes you may need to disable a user's account without deleting it, you can do this by turning the Enabled switch off.
PasswordAdd a password which the user will use to log into your Five account. The password must have 8 to 32 characters and contain at least one symbol and one number.
RoleSelect a role to assign to the user. The role you can assign will be dependent on your plan.
LockedIf a user fails their login more than three times, their account will be automatically locked. You can unlock the account with the Locked switch, or, if required you can lock a user's account.
Password Update Next LoginIf this switch is activated you will force a user on their next log in to update their password.
Password FailsThe number of failed attempts will be displayed, once a user gets their password correct, it will reset to 0.

Add a User to Your Five Account

1. Select Users in the menu.

Users menu item
Figure 1 - Users menu item

2. Click the Add Item button and add an ID in the User ID field.

Add a user
Figure 2 - Add a user

3. Add the user's name and email in the Full Name and Email fields.

Name and Email fields
Figure 3 - Name and Email fields

4. Add the user's password in the Password field.

You can force your user to change their password on their next login.

The password must have 8 to 32 characters and contain at least one symbol and one number.

Password field
Figure 4 - Password field

5. Select a role in the Role field.

Role field
Figure 5 - Role field

6. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 6 - Save button