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Remove Deployment Environments

Last updated 22/05/2024

In this documentation you will learn how to manage the removal of deployments. We will walk through each environment so you have an understanding of how to remove deployments to have your application upgraded in the testing and production environments. It is important to know that through this process the testing and production environments need to be brought down and re-deployed for any changes to be applied that you have performed in the development environment.


When removing your application from the development environment, you are only removing your version. You cannot remove a version that another user of Five is developing.

PlanWho can remove deployments from the development environment
BasicAdministrator users
TeamAdministrator, Control, and Developer users
EnterpriseAdministrator, Control, and Developer users

Remove a Deployed Development Environment

You can either remove the development deployment by using the Remove from Deployment button in Five's toolbar, or on the Cluster Management page. You must use the Cluster Management page if you are removing a development deployment that is not holding the default instance of your application.

1. Click the Remove from Development button.

Remove from Development button
Figure 1 - Remove from Development button

Remove a Deployed Development Environment From the Cluster Management

1. Navigate to the Instances view by selecting Setup in the menu and Instances in the sub-menu.

Instances menu item
Figure 2 - Instances menu item

2. Select the instance record you want to remove from the development environment.

3. Click the Cluster Management button.

Cluster Management button
Figure 3 - Cluster Management button

4. Click the Remove from Deployment button.

Remove from Development button
Figure 4 - Remove from Development button

Remove a Deployed Testing Environment

PlanWho can remove deployments from the testing environment
BasicAdministrator users
TeamAdministrator and Control users
EnterpriseAdministrator and Control users

The testing environment needs to be removed if you have performed changes to an instance of your application and you want these changes available in the testing deployment to test. The development deployment does not need to be removed from deployment for the testing deployment to take on these changes, however, you must deploy or run your application in the development environment after performing your changes to apply the changes to your testing deployment.

1. Select the instance record you want to remove from deployment and click the Cluster Management button.

2. Click the Cluster Management button.

Cluster Management button
Figure 5 - Cluster Management button

3. Click the Remove from Testing button.

Remove from Testing button
Figure 6 - Remove from Testing button

Next time you deploy to the testing environment, any changes performed in the development environment will be in the testing environment and automatic table changes will be applied.

Remove a Deployed Production Environment

PlanWho can remove deployments from the production environment
BasicAdministrator users
TeamAdministrator and Control users
EnterpriseAdministrator and Control users

The production environment needs to be removed if you have performed changes to an instance of your application and you want these changes available in the production environment after they have been deployed in the testing environment.

  • The development and testing deployments can stay deployed when bringing a production deployment offline.
  • The changes made in the development environment must go through testing before they can be deployed in the production environment.

1. Select the instance record you want to remove from the production environment.

2. Click the Cluster Management button.

Cluster Management button
Figure 7 - Cluster Management button

3. Click the Remove from Production button.

Remove from Production button
Figure 8 - Remove from Production button