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Last updated 11/09/2024

Example One

The following code selects all employee names from the Employee table.

executeQuery() using SQL
let queryResults = five.executeQuery(`SELECT Name FROM Employee`);

Example Two

The following code uses an existing query in Five referenced by it's data source ID.

executeQuery() using an existing query
let queryResults = five.executeQuery(`EmployeesQueryDataSourceID`);

Example Three

The following code selects five employee records from the Employee table and displays them in the Five Inspector.

executeQuery() using the optional limit parameter
let queryResult = five.executeQuery('SELECT Name from Employee', 5);
for (let i = 0; i < queryResult.recordCount(); i++) {
five.log('Employee : ' + queryResult.records[i].Name);

Example Four

The following code selects all employee records with a post code of 4066. The

parameter is no longer optional when using variable arguments.

executeQuery() using 0 with the limit parameter and variable arguments
const postCode = '4066';
let queryResults = five.executeQuery(`SELECT Name FROM Employee WHERE Employee.PostCode = ?`, 0, postCode);

Example Five

The following code selects the first five employee names that reside in the postcode 4066 using the optional

parameter and

executeQuery() with the optional limit parameter and variable arguments
const postCode = '4066';
let queryResults = five.executeQuery(`SELECT Name FROM Employee WHERE Employee.PostCode = ?`, 5, postCode);

Example Six

The following code uses a new transaction in Five and executes the query against the transaction.

executeQuery() using a new transaction and query
const tx = five.startTransaction(db);
let queryResults = five.executeQuery(tx, `SELECT Name FROM Employee`);