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Add a URL for an E-Form

Last updated 23/01/2024

To add a URL you will need to be logged in as a Developer or Control user. An action is attached to a URL and this action will then be available to a Public user.

In the AIS application, a submission URL will be created that references the Submissions form. When the URL is provided to the users, they can add a submission and add attachments without having to log into the AIS application, as they will be a Public user.

To test the Submissions e-form, you will need to deploy the AIS application to the Development environment and in the URL add
after the host name in the address bar.
Prerequisite: Signed in as Administrator or Control user.

1. Click Applications in the menu.

Applications menu item
Figure 1 - Applications menu item

2. Select the AIS record in the list.

3. Click the Manage button in the form app bar.

Manage button
Figure 2 - Manage button

4. Click Setup in the menu.

5. Click URLs in the sub-menu.

URLs menu item
Figure 3 - URLs menu item

Add the Submission URL

1. Click the Add Item button.

It is recommended to just use lower case in the URL field!

2. Type submission in the URL field.

submission will be used in the URL link.

3. Click the lookup icon in the Action field and select Submissions (Form).

4. Optional: Click the lookup icon in the Theme field and select a theme.

The theme can be the same as your application or you can create a different theme in Five's Theme Editor.

Add the submission URL
Figure 4 - Add the submission URL

5. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 5 - Save button

How to Test Your Submission URL

1. Click the Deploy to Development button.

Deploy to Development button
Figure 6 - Deploy to Development button

2. In the URL address bar, if there is any text trailing the domain name, delete it.

3. Add /url/submission.

This is the URL link you would provide your users.

URL link
Figure 7 - URL link

4. Press Enter/Return.

A user can now submit a Submissions form without having to log into the AIS application.

Public Submissions e-form
Figure 8 - Public Submissions e-form