Table Upgrades
Last updated 19/03/2024
Saving a table in Five will make the Upgrade Table dialog window available, this enables you to select data from another table in your database to populate the fields in the current table.Rules
- Only SELECT statements can be written in the Upgrade Table window.
- The number of columns being selected must equal the number of columns in the current table.
- If data is coming from other tables they must be in the same database.
If you do not need to use this feature, just simply click the Save button in the Upgrade Table window!
When adding a new table, the Table Upgrade window is available in the Table Wizard, the Table form, and the Database Modeler.
Table Upgrade With a Select Query
ScenarioLets say we have a Customer table with the fields CustomerKey, LastName, FirstName, PostCode, and Suburb, and we want to populate a PostCode table with some of the fields from the Customer table.

Figure 1 - Database model
The Customer table is saved in Five.
1. Add the PostCode table.

Figure 2 - Add a new table
2. Add the fields PostCodeKey, PostCode, and Suburb.

Figure 3 - Add the fields
3. Add the primary index PostCodeKey.

Figure 4 - Add the primary index
4. Click the Save button/s in the form app bar/s.
The amount of Save buttons to click may vary dependent on which page of the Table form you are on.

Figure 5 - Save button
5. Type your SELECT statement in the Table Upgrade window.
SELECT Example
6. Click the Save button in the Table Upgrade window.

Figure 6 - Save button
To test your data, go the Queries view and use the SQL Editor!
Testing Data
1. Click Data in the menu.2. Click Queries in the sub-menu.

Figure 7 - Queries menu item
3. Click the Add Item button.

Figure 8 - Add Item button
4. Click in the Query field.

Figure 9 - Query field
5. Click the SQL tab.

Figure 10 - SQL tab
6. SELECT * FROM your new table (PostCode).
SELECT Example
7. Click the Run button.

Figure 11 - Run button
Adding a New Field to a Table
When you add a new field to a saved table in Five, the Table Upgrade window will be available again and will ask you how you want to fill this field for all existing records saved in the database. The documentation below, will explain how to use the table upgrade functionality when you add a new field to a saved table.Add an Empty Value
Empty is the default in the Table Upgrade window. If your field is not flagged as required, you can opt to save the table with an empty value in the field for all existing records.caution
If your field is flagged as required, you will not be able to save the table with an empty value in the field.
1. Click the Save button.

Figure 12 - Save button
Add a Value
The Value option enables you to add a value that will be saved into the field for all existing records in the table.1. Click the Value checkbox.
2. Type a value in the field.

Figure 13 - Value
3. Click the Save button.

Figure 14 - Save button
Add a Field
The Field option enables you to select a field in the current table to populate the field for existing records.1. Click the Field checkbox.
2. Click the lookup icon in the field and select a field from the current table.

Figure 15 - Field
3. Click the Save button.

Figure 16 - Save button
Add a Query
The Query option enables you to write a SELECT statement to populate the field for existing records.1. Click the Query checkbox.
2. Type a SELECT statement in the field.

Figure 17 - Query
3. Click the Save button.

Figure 18 - Save button
Editing a Field in a Table
If you change the data type or reduce the size on a field, you will be asked how would you like to reduce the size of the field. This is because, the values in the field for existing records cannot be larger than the new size. The documentation below, will explain how to use the table upgrade functionality when you edit a field in a saved table.Truncate
Truncate will reduce the size of the data in the database by cutting it off so to speak to your new data size. By default, Five will apply your new data size in the field.1. Click the Save button.
You can change the size by typing in a new value, or using the up and down arrows in the field!

Figure 19 - Save button
Divide will divide the current size in the database by the value in the field, this is used for the data types Float and Integer. By default, Five will apply the required number for the data to fit the field.1. Click the Save button.

Figure 20 - Save button
Query enables you to write a SELECT statement to reduce the size.1. Click the Query checkbox.
2. Type a SELECT statement in the field.
3. Click the Save button in the Table Upgrade window.

Figure 21 - Save button