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List Page Type

Last updated 02/12/2021

Five's Lists

Five has three types of lists. When you add a field to a form you can either include a field in the list or not.

Lookup List

A lookup list is located in a field. The first field included in the list of the referenced form will be available in the lookup list.

Lookup List
Figure 1 - Lookup list

The Record List

A record list is located in each view when you select a menu item referencing a form. The first two fields included in the list will become the column headers for the list.

Record List
Figure 2 - Record list

A List Page Type

A List page type is located on a form. All fields selected to be included in the list will be available in this list.

List Page Type
Figure 3 - List page type


  • true for the first field.
  • false for all other fields.

Add a List Page

A list of records will be the first element displayed when a user clicks the tab to navigate to a list page. This list will hold all the records for the referenced form, and the Add button to add new records.

What Will be Included in the List

All the fields that you flag 'Include In List' on the referenced form will be the titles of the columns and the values will be represented beneath. For lists that have a lot of fields included, a horizontal scroll bar will be positioned at the base of the list to scroll through the fields.


In the Production application, we will add a Cars list page to the Motor Dealer form so we can assign cars to a motor dealer.


The form being referenced must be saved in Five.


  1. Select the required form record you are attaching the list page to. For this example, the Motor Dealers form.
  2. Click the Pages tab.
Motor Dealer Record
Figure 1 - Select the required form record

  1. Click the Add Pages button.
Add Pages button
Figure 2 - Add Pages button

  1. Type a caption in the Caption field. For this example, Cars.
  2. Use the lookup icon in the Page Type field and select List.
  3. Use the lookup icon in the Action field and select the form Action ID to reference. For this example, the Cars (Form).
  4. Click the Save button in the form app bar.
Add the List Page
Figure 3 - Add the list page

  1. Click the Save button in the form app bar above the list.
Save the Form
Figure 4 - Save the form

How to Include Fields in the List

  1. Click the Fields tab.
  2. Select or create a field record.
  3. Click the Include in List switch to a true state.
Include a Field in the List
Figure 5 - Include In List switch


When using the Form Wizard, check the List checkbox for the field to be included in the list.


The first field you save for a form will be included in the list by default. You can unselect this field, however, at least one field will need to be included in the list.

How This Will Look in Your End-User Application

  1. Select the menu item refencing the form that holds the list page.
  2. Select a record in the list, or
  3. Click the Add Item button in the list app bar.
  4. Click the tab to be navigated to the list page. For this example, the Cars tab.
Navigate to the List Page
Figure 6 - Include In List switch

  1. Click the Add button in the list to have a new form available.
Navigate to the List Page
Figure 7 - List page