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Action Page Type

Last updated 24/11/2021

Add an Action Page

An action page will display one of Five's actions other than a form.

What are Five's Actions?

  • Forms
  • Queries
  • Charts
  • Dashboards
  • Mail Merges
  • Processes


In the Portfolio application, the Buys form allows you to buy stock. We will include a page on this form that references a chart that will show if we've sold any of the shares we've previously purchased.


  • The chart needs to be saved in Five and make reference to the query.
  • The form needs to be saved in Five to add the action page.
  • The form must have a menu item.


  1. Select Forms in the menu.
  2. Select the form record you are attaching the action page to. For this example, the Buys record.
  3. Click the Pages tab.
Select the Form Record
Figure 1 - Select the required form record

  1. Click the Add Pages button.
Add Pages Button
Figure 2 - Add Pages button

  1. Type a caption in the Caption field. For this example, Sell Allocations.
  2. Use the lookup icon in the in the Page Type field and select Action.
  3. Use the lookup icon in the Action field and select the Action ID to reference. For this example, TotalSales.
  4. Click the Save button in the form app bar.
Add the Action Page
Figure 3 - Add the action page

  1. Click the Save button in the form app bar above the list.
Save the Form
Figure 4 - Save the form

How This Will Look in Your End-User Application

  1. Select the menu item referencing the form that holds the action page. For this example, the Buys menu item.
  2. Select a Buy record in the list.
  3. Click the tab holding the action page. For this example, the Sell Allocations tab.
Action Page
Figure 5 - Action page