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Last updated 22/05/2024

What are Users?

Users are anyone that logs into an application. Users have permissions that are specific to their role for the application.

Users of Five

Anyone who logs into your Five account. Your license will determine how many users you can add to your Five account.

Users of Your Application

Anyone who logs into your application that you create in Five. When creating a multiuser application, you are not limited to the number of users that can log into your application.

What are Permissions?

The ability to do actions in an application, (including creating, reading, updating, and deleting), is goverened by permissions. User permissions, part of the overall user management process, are granted to users to specific data sources.

Permissions in Five

Each permission in Five is determined by a data source and these permissions are grouped together so you can assign as a role to a user of your Five account.

Permissions in Your Application

The permissions granted to your application will be defined by you in the Roles view.

What are Roles?

Rather than assigining individual permissions directly to each user, permissions are grouped into roles and then assigned to a user.

Five's Default Roles

There are three types of roles you can assign to a user in your Five cloud account:

  • Administrator - A role that sets up your application, however, cannot develop the application.
  • Control - A role that has full access to all areas in Five.
  • Developer - A role that can develop applications, however, does not have full access to all areas of Five like the Control role.

Application Default Roles

Five has three types of default roles you can assign to a user for your application, you are not limited to these roles:

  • Administrator - A role that grants full access to your application. This role enables you to log into your application for the first time.
  • Public - A role that can be assigned for a user to access a public URL without having to log into your application.
  • Standalone - A reserved role used for a single user of Five's desktop edition.