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Five's Users and Roles

Last updated 27/03/2024

The following documentation will explain each type of user, their role, and their permissions granted inside Five.


A Control user is assigned the Control role. A Control user has the following permissions granted.

Data SourcePermissions
All data sourcesFull access


An Administrator user is assigned the Administrator role. An Administrator user has the following permissions granted.

Data SourcePermissions
ApplicationsFull access
ConfigurationFull access
UsersFull access
DatabasesFull access
InstancesFull access
AuthenticationsFull access
User Audit TrailRead access


A Developer user is assigned the Developer role. A Developer user has the following permissions granted.

Data SourcePermissions
ApplicationsRead access
ConfigurationNo access
UsersNo access
DatabasesNo access
InstancesLimited access
AuthenticationsNo access
User Audit TrailNo access
All other data sourcesFull access


A Standalone user is assigned the Standalone role. The Standalone user is a special user for Five's desktop version.


The public user is an inbuilt system user that Five uses to allow you to control access to public facing URLs. You can configure the access public URLs required by setting the appropriate permissions against this role.