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post() Using Customized Headers

Last updated 2/04/2024

The code is creating an instance of the HTTPClient object using the function httpClient() on the Five object. The example will send a POST request to creating a note using the REST endpoint createnote.

Sending a POST request with customized headers
function ExamplePostRequest(five: Five, context: any, result: FiveError) : FiveError {
const webClient = five.httpClient();

// You can add http headers
webClient.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ZGVtbzpwQDU1dzByZA==');

// Setting the content type

// for form urlencoded data, you can us the addData helper
// otherwise you can set the content directly with webClient.setContent
webClient.addData('data1', 'value1');
webClient.addData('data2', 'value2');

// We can post to a REST end point the above data, in the example above it will
// be a urlencoded form.
const webResult ='');
if (webResult.isOk() === false) {
return five.createError(webResult);

// webResult has a few properties that can be used to parse the response
// webResult.raw - original resonse, base64 encoded
// webResult.response - a JSON response
// below is an example dealing with raw response
const decodeBase64 = function(s: string): string {
var e={},i,b=0,c,x,l=0,a,r='',w=String.fromCharCode,L=s.length;
var A="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
return r;

const response = decodeBase64(webResult.raw);

// now we can work with the response as needed.
// for demonstration purposes, we will just log it for interrogating in the five inspector

return five.success(result);