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Last updated 6/06/2023


The executeFunction() is a function that executes a function on the server. You can call the executeFunction() from the frontend to execute a function on the backend. To specify which function to call you can either supply the name or the function key, both are not required.

The file argument is a File interface provided from the browser, if provided to the executeFunction() the file will be available to the backend function on the context called UploadedFile.


Function Signature
name: string,
variables: Map<string, any>,
file: File,
actionKey: string, //Deprecated, not used
functionKey: string,
[ onResultsCallBack: (results: any) => void) : void ])

namestring'empty string'Function ID to execute, required if no function key
variablesMap<string, any>nullMap of variables to provide to the context of the function
fileFilenullContents of a file to be sent to the backend
actionKeystring'empty string'Deprecated, not used
functionKeystring'empty string'Function key to execute, required if no name
onResultsCallBackfunctionnullCallback function on completion of execution of the backend function

