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How to Customize the Down Button

Last updated 16/08/2023

Five will automatically add a Down button to the form app bar after you save a record that is held in a menu that is a parent-menu so that the child menu items can be accessed. The Down button can be customized in several ways.

Default Down Button
Figure 1 - Default Down button

Just the caption can be customized. The name of the caption will be shown on the button.

Customized Caption
Figure 2 - Customized caption

Just the icon can be customized. The icon will be shown and when hovering your mouse on the icon, Down will be shown.

Customized Icon
Figure 3 - Customized icon

Both the caption and the icon can be customized. The caption will appear as a tooltip when hovering your mouse on the icon.

Customized Caption and Icon
Figure 4 - Customized caption and icon

Customize the Down Button

The steps below explain how to customize the caption and the icon for the Down button. If you wish to only do the caption or the icon, omit the steps not required.

1. Select your menu record in the list.

2. Either click the Edit button in the form app bar, or click directly in the Drill Down Caption field.

Edit the Menu Record
Figure 5 - Edit the menu record

3. Type a caption in the Drill Down Caption field.

4. Click the edit button in the Drill Down Icon field and open an image file.

Add a Caption and Icon
Figure 6 - Add a caption and icon

5. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save the menu record
Figure 7 - Save the menu record