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Create A Menu Item

Last updated 14/08/2023

The following documentation is to explain the steps to add a menu item that references an action and when the menu item is clicked the action will be displayed.

1. Click Visual in the menu.

2. Click Menus in the sub-menu.

Menus Menu Item
Figure 1 - Menus menu item

Add a Menu Item

1. Click the Add Item button.

Add Item Button
Figure 2 - Add Item button

2. Type a caption in the Caption field.

3. Type a number in the Menu Order field.

4. Click the lookup icon in the Action field and select an action to reference.

5. Optional: Click the Edit button in the Icon field and open an image file.

The icon will be displayed in front of the caption in the menu in your application. If a user contracts the menu by clicking the Hamburger icon, only the icon will be displayed.

Add a Menu Item
Figure 3 - Add a menu item

6. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save a Menu Item
Figure 4 - Save a menu item

In an End-User Application

Below shows how the menu item will work in an end-user application.

Menu Item
Figure 5 - Menu item