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Export and Import FDF Files

Last updated 3/10/2023

When you export an application, the entire schema and data for the application will be exported in a Five Definition File (FDF). This file can then be imported back into Five.

Who can Export and Import Applications?

  • When working in the Cloud, only the admin user can export and import applications.
  • When working in Local, the standalone user can export and import applications.

Export an Application into an FDF

1. Select the application record in the list.

2. Click the Export button.

Export button
Figure 1 - Export button

Your application will be downloaded into a Five Definition File (FDF) holding the schema and all the data for the application.

Import an FDF

1. Click the Import button.

Import button
Figure 2 - Import button

2. Navigate your files and open the required FDF file.

Open FDF
Figure 3 - Open FDF

3. Click the OK button.

OK button
Figure 4 - OK button

Your application record will be available in the list.