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Last updated 31/01/2024

form property on the Five object in functions.


The function checks if the value in the Quantity field on the current form is less than the value in the Quantity field on the Sells form in the stack. It will also ensure it is less than the Holding query field in the metadata.

Check the value in the Quantity field on the Sells form in the stack
function CheckBuyQuantity(five: Five, context: any, result: FiveError) : FiveError {
const qty: number = parseInt(five.field.Quantity);
if (qty > five.form.Sells.Quantity) {
return five.createError(result, 'Stock quantity exceeds quantity in this sale');

if (qty > five.getMetadata('Allocations', 'BuyKey', 'Holding')) {
return five.createError(result, 'Stock quantity exceeds remaining stock in this buy');

return five.success();