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Last updated 31/01/2024

field property on the Five object in functions.

Example One

The function calculates the total using the values in the Quantity, Price, and Fees fields. If the current form equals Buys the fees are added, otherwise the fees will be deducted.

Calculate Total Using the Field IDs on the Current Form
function CalculateTotal(five: Five, context: any, result: FiveError) : FiveError  {
if (five.actionID() === 'Buys') {
five.field.Total = five.field.Quantity * five.field.Price + five.field.Fees;
} else {
five.field.Total = five.field.Quantity * five.field.Price - five.field.Fees;
return five.success();

Example Two

The function calculates the total by multiplying the values in the PricePerItem, Quantity, and GST fields on the current form, the GST field is not used if there is no value in the field.

Calculate Total Using the Field IDs on the Current Form
function TotalItemsPrice(five: Five, context: any, result: FiveError) : FiveError {
if (five.field.GST !== '' && five.field.GST !== 0.0) {
five.field.Total = five.field.PricePerItem * five.field.Quantity * five.field.GST;
} else {
five.field.Total = five.field.PricePerItem * five.field.Quantity;
return five.success();