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Add and Manage Databases

Last updated 3/11/2023

Who Can Add and Manage Databases?

An Administrator user of Five is the only user who can add and manage databases.

A Control user of Five can only read database records.

A Developer user of Five has no access to database records.

No user can edit the default MySQL database running in AWS that is created by Five for a new application.

If working locally, you are a Standalone user. A Standalone user can only read the default MySQL database created by Five for a new application. A local version of Five cannot have multiple databases for an application.

Supported External Databases

You can select to create a connection to the following external Database Management Systems (DBMS).

  • MySQL
  • Postgres
  • SQLite

Connection String Details

To use an external database, you will need to have an account created with the database provider.

The connection string configures Five's database connection to connect to the external DBMS. You need to provide the connection string to establish the database connection. The connection string represents a set of parameters in the form of key=value pairs separated by semicolons.

DriverThe database driver allows you to interact with your chosen DBMS through Five's interface.driver=MSSQL
URLA database connection URL provides a way of identifying a database so that the selected driver recognizes it and connects to it, this can be a host name or an IP address including the port
UsernameYour username in your DBMS.username=user
PasswordYour password in your DBMS.password=password
NameThe name of your database in your



The value in the Database ID field must exactly match the name value in your connection string as shown in the image below.

Database ID and name match
Figure 1 - Database ID and name match

Add a Database

1. Navigate to the Databases view.

2. Click the Add Item button.

Add Item button
Figure 2 - Add Item button

3. Click the lookup icon in the Database Type field and select the type.

4. Type your connection string in the Connection String field following the above guidelines.

Add a database
Figure 3 - Add a database

5. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 4 - Save button

Edit a Database

1. Select the database record in the list.

2. Click directly in the field you want to edit.

3. Make your changes.

4. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 5 - Save button

Delete a Database

Deleting a database will delete all the data in the database. It is recommended to backup your data first!

1. Select the database record in the list.

2. Click directly in a field to activate the form.

3. Click the Delete button in the form app bar.

Delete button
Figure 6 - Delete button

4. Click the Save button in the form app bar.

Save button
Figure 7 - Save button

5. Click the Yes button.

Yes button
Figure 8 - Yes button