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Introduction to Five's Events

Last updated 31/08/2023

Five allows you as the developer to interact at specified times during the execution of an application via the use of events. For example, you might want to validate the input value of a field, if this field has a function attached to the On Validate event, Five will execute this function providing information about the field and the data the user has entered.

Events also allow controlling the flow of your application. In the event your function returns an error, this will abort the current action Five is performing with the user. For example, during the save of a form, if a function is attached to the Do Complete event it will return an error, the saving of the form and all its data will be aborted. The user will need to fix the identified issues and re-save.

In Five, we have server-side events that are executed on the server and have direct access to the database, and client-side events that are executed in the browser.

DoServer-side events
OnClient-side events